A Church Family Located in Bellingham, WA
Welcome to ALife Family, a group of people who are brave enough to become who we were born to be!
Our primary goal is to become His church, where we experience, become, and give everything Jesus has for us.
We know that Jesus is changing His church through His love and power. We know that our yes to His dream is changing our lives and the lives of those saying yes with us.
We are a called-out group of people who believe and see that heaven can come to earth, even in the stuck culture surrounding us. We are seeing people embrace who they are made to be. We are the corporate expression of this beauty together. We are each a unique expression of a part of the image of God. We are the church, and we get to bring that abundant life to everyone in our reach and beyond. We are dedicated to authentically living out and leading by bravely following what Holy Spirit leads us to do. We look for ways to activate people to do the same. We are dedicated to leading by applying what Jesus is showing us first.
We will accept you just as you are, but we will encourage you not to stay the same. Almost everything we do is to set you up to experience, become and give what Jesus is giving us. We are His church, experiencing, becoming, and giving the abundant life Jesus came to give.
Jonathan and Danie